It seems that I'm not in the right head-space at the moment. Actually, I've been out of the right head-space for a while now. I don't even know what the right head-space might look like for someone like me. I had a super-fast growing up this year. It almost killed me. Anyway, it sucks. I need to take some measures, like looking for new angles in some certain situations. And maybe I need to let it all go. Like Hafiz said:
به جدّ و جهد چو کاری نمیرود از پیش
به کردگار رهاکرده بِه، مصالح خویش
متاسفانه یا خوشبختانه سیگنالهای رنج رو فقط به زبان مادری دریافت میکنم ولی من فعلا به نتیجه رسیدم همون لت ایت ال گو چاره س
آره، احتمالاً همینطوره.
it's just my personal analysis about your interpretation of your specific situation, so it can be untrue. you know, since one for a long time has to struggle with difficulty or being under pressure, it seems really clear that cannot find your right direction.
in my opinion, you searched for a measure outside of yourself, but you've had a powerful measure inside, and it is your heart. rely on it and i assure u that can find your way.
i agree that one of the best options is letting go; however, it's the second choice and the first is relying on your instinct
There might be a possibility that all my instincts are wrong. So, relying on them might make everything worse, much worse.
I think there is no such thing as right-headspace.I do not know what you went through.Maybe your suffering has led to new achievements.Maybe,it hasn't.You'll know only if when you face similar situation in future.Seek professional help from a good therapist.Acceptance and commitment
therapy is a good option for you
I should disagree with you about the right head-space thing. I think that all of us need to be in the right head-space for coping with whatever's going on in our lives. The point you made about suffering could be true if I had any idea what my fucking suffering is right now. I know I suffer but I don't know from what. I'll start therapy when I'm back in the green financially speaking. I can't afford it at the moment.